Change Catalyst & Courage Mentor

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Mark Twain

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↓ Opened Doors to Work with ME ↓

She Rises → FREE Telegram Experience

Three Months 1:1 Coaching →

Private Mentorship →

In-Person Experience ↓→


Welcome beautiful Soul!

My name is Marie-Eve,

Change Catalyst and Courage Mentor.

I'm originally from Montreal in Canada

and I now live in a small village in the middle of the magical Black Forest of Germany.

My daily encounters are goats, forest fairies and witches of all kinds.

Change is my playground.

Curiosity is my signature vibe.

Joy, Love, Magic, Freedom are the frequencies I work and move with.

Courage is my embodied state.

Duality is my jam;

Revealing Light in Darkness.

Permanence in Impermanence.

Equanimity in Chaos.

Oneness in Distinctiveness.

My life is about inspiring and empowering women to live fully,

through claiming their grief

and further building their courage,

as they navigate change

with simplicity, lightness, and fluidity;

opened to new understandings,

new perspectives,

and even greater potentialities.

I've been a life lover for as long as I can remember,

I'm a biologist and

holistic and alternative medicine practitioner

by training,

a grounded scientist with an open spiritual side,

and a translator for others on

their journey to Being and Living fully.

You might not get me

and that's because I'm not meant to be gotten,

figured out.

You're not either by the way.

This human experience is about exactly that - embodied experience.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was,

and still is,

my favorite story of all times.

I'm a believer.

I'm an explorer,

I'm a seeker.

I'm a builder.

I know how magical it all becomes when like-minded,


Beings come together freely

in Truth and Love

to bravely embrace change as life's most profound rhythms.

So, tell me:

have you been looking for ME?

Boundless Love,


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